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Mission Integration

Through the work of Mission Integration, the Benedictine Sisters ensure that the legacy of Catholic Benedictine education is maintained at Monte Cassino School. The Office of Mission Integration provides opportunities for ongoing formation in Benedictine values for all who are part of the Monte Cassino community. For more information, contact Sister Julia.


The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is the religious formation program for the youngest students on campus.

Monte Cassino is proud to offer our Early Childhood students quiet contemplation and the enjoyment of God through a Montessori-based religion program called Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Students learn about God's love for them, reenact Bible stories, study the liturgical seasons, and are encouraged to use prayer in their daily lives.

Sacramental Celebrations

As a Catholic school, celebrations of the sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation are critical for our formation as a faith community.

The Eucharist is celebrated weekly in the Marian Chapel for all students from kindergarten through eighth grade. The Middle School students generally celebrate the Eucharist together on Tuesdays. The Kindergarten and Elementary School students have Mass on Thursdays.Regular celebrations of the All-School Mass are scheduled throughout the year. These masses are held in the Middle School gym. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend any of these celebrations.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is held periodically throughout the year for Catholic students. For more information, please contact Sister Julia.

Service Projects

As a school community we undertake the ongoing work of service to one another each day. There are additional opportunities to serve in community activities such as Octoberfest and in countless other ways from volunteering in the library to serving on a committee of the School Board or PTO. Monte Cassino families are encouraged to take part in school-sponsored service opportunities to organizations such as Catholic Charities, the Tulsa Community Food Bank, Angel Tree and the School of San Miguel.