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(918) 742-3364

List of 8 frequently asked questions.

  • At what age can students first attend Monte Cassino School?

    Monte Cassino offers a prekindergarten program for three and four-year-old students. In order to attend prekindergarten, a student must be at least three years old by September 1 of the year they are attending and potty trained.
  • When can I submit my child's application?

    Applications are accepted year-round. To increase your child's chances of acceptance, and space availability, it is recommended that you submit their application as early as possible. While we continue to accept applications throughout the year, many grade levels may be full after the deadline.  If the applicant is accepted but all the spots are full, the applicant will be placed in a 'wait pool.'

    If a spot becomes available, Monte Cassino will select the most appropriate candidate for the spot.
  • What type of tests are given to Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students?

    Students participate in an individual session to examine verbal and non-verbal problem-solving skills. These settings evaluate his or her development areas as well as how well they follow directions and interact with the test administrator.
  • If I receive an acceptance, but decline, am I guaranteed a spot for the following year?

    No.  If you are accepted to Monte Cassino, but decline the offer, you will not be guaranteed a spot for the following year.  Your former acceptance will be taken into consideration, but offers for available space will be given to the most qualified candidates who submitted applications for the current year for which you are applying.
  • Are siblings of current students guaranteed admission?

    Siblings of current students are not guaranteed admission. Our policy states that every effort is made to accommodate qualified siblings of current students; however, admission decisions are based primarily upon the composite qualifications of the individual candidate. It is helpful to get applications for sibling applications turned in during the sibling enrollment period. The deadline for new sibling applications is November 15, 2023.
  • Do you have an after school program for my child?

    Monte Cassino School provides options for extended learning and enrichment during the hours that immediately follow the school day for students in prekindergarten through eighth grade. Programs provide supervised play indoors and outdoors, time to complete homework, and more. The Monte After School Care Program remains open on school days until 5:30pm.  There are also a variety of extracurricular activities and sports offerings for your students through our Beyond the Bell Program.
  • What are the school hours?

    8:15 AM – 2:15 PM
    8:15 AM – 2:30 PM
    8:00 AM – 2:45 PM

    Elementary School
    First through fourth grades
    8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

    Middle School
    Fifth through eighth grades
    8:00 AM – 3:05 PM
  • Is Monte Cassino School affiliated with a particular religion?

    Monte Cassino School is a private Catholic school in Tulsa which is affiliated with the Sisters of Saint Joseph's Monastery. Our students come from diverse religious backgrounds. Monte Cassino's goal is to foster each student's appreciation of his or her own spiritual beliefs, as well as develop an understanding of the Catholic religion and the religions of other students.