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Eighth Graders Expand World View at Heifer Ranch

"Roughing it" in real world situations gives students new perspective
Here is a special glimpse into the Monte Cassino 8th grade retreat at Heifer Ranch which was fully funded from Brick by Brick 2018. Our students experienced some of the daily struggles people in poverty face every day. Students were randomly assigned to a village site representing areas such as Zambia, Thailand or Appalachia. Each "family of students" was given limited resources for their evening meal. Before they could eat they may have needed to acquire resources from other families in the village; build a fire; as well as cook their own meals. By participating in daily life activities such as preparing meals and doing chores, similar to those that Heifer’s Project Partners perform each day, our students were inspired to take action in their own lives that will positively impact the environment and the world around them.