(918) 742-3364

List of 7 frequently asked questions.

  • What do you teach at Monte Cassino School?

    Second Grade
  • What do you love about Monte Cassino School?

    I love the community, the faith and the support.
  • Why do you like teaching at Monte Cassino? What motivated you to become a teacher at Monte Cassino?

    I was motivated to teach of Monte Cassino because I graduated from here and have been a part of this community ever since. This school is always so welcoming and I have come to call this place home.
  • What is a unique experience, talent or interest that you bring to your classroom to help shape the learning experience of your students?

    I love integrating my family into my classroom. Sharing personal experiences, embarrassing stories and I find myself turning lessons into singing and dancing.
  • What sets an MC student apart from students in other schools?

    I believe Monte Cassino students' faith separates them from some other students from other schools.
  • What is one of your favorite lessons, subjects or projects that you teach at Monte Cassino?

    I really enjoy teaching Math.
  • What do you want your students to gain from having known you?

    I would like [students] to gain life lessons and be inspired to love to learn and love to read. I hope that they remember all the little tricks I teach and remember all the memories in the classroom.